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Focus of The Week

Integration Series

The Integration Series is a focus of the week for 3 weeks for each section of the body.  In 12 weeks you will tone & strengthen through your whole system - muscle by muscle, joint by joint, from the feet up & the core out.
Upgrade your gait, strength, stability and stamina for life.  This takes time, commitment and focus...but it's  worth it! Imagine yourself walking, hiking, gardening and doing all the things you love all the way into your 80's and beyond.  We've created The Series just for this.  A segmented, attainable 12 week training cycle that starts at the feet and ends with the neck and shoulders. View THE SERIES calendar below at studio one and start transforming
  • New Tone & Strength Focused Workouts
  • Weekly Progressive Challenges
  • Deep Learning and Transformation
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The Series Schedule 

Strong, Fatigue Free Feet & Stable Knees. Feet are key to healthy, happy walking, hiking & more. read more...


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Guts, Butts & Backs! Focus on Low Back, Low Abs, Inner thighs & Hips. read more...


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Strong Shoulders & a Long Neck. Focus on Strength in the Shoulder Girdle + Mobility and Stability of the Neck. read more...


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Strong, Silky Smooth Spinal Moves! The final part of the series will take your posture to the next level.


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The Power of Your Mid-Back: A Guide to Spinal Health and Mobility. 

This week, we are about to begin the final section of THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION SERIES in all in-studio classes. We will start an exploration of a crucial but often overlooked area of our body – the mid-dorsal hinge and spine.

The mid-dorsal hinge area is located in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar regions, around the 12th ribs. It holds significant importance when it comes to organizing our skeletal structure and serves as a source of real spinal power. Whether you've experienced injuries, accidents, or suffer from shoulder and neck tension, addressing this area can be a key factor in finding relief and promoting overall well-being.

In the workouts this coming month, we will focus on opening up the shoulders and legs to prepare our bodies for the changes we'll make in the mid-back region.

 Breathwork plays a vital role in this process. Your respiratory diaphragm spans down to the mid-back region, while the strong ligaments across the front of your body tie everything together. Breathing correctly into the back enhances mobility, but it's essential to use the right approach. Rather than merely trying to breathe directly into your back, we will explore a method that involves engaging the transversus muscle, akin to using an ATM instead of robbing a store to get cash.

To start, let's understand the significance of the 12th rib and its relationship with the floating ribs, discs, and vertebrae. The 12th rib is a pivot point, and its alignment is crucial for our overall posture and stability. Through a series of exercises, we will work on realigning this area, tapping into its inherent power of improving posture, mobility and flexibility.

By opening up the shoulders and strengthening legs, we create space for change and improvement in the mid-back region. These preparatory movements help establish a solid foundation for our endeavors to achieve greater spinal health and mobility.

As we go through this journey, it's important to be patient with ourselves. Structural changes take time, and consistent effort is the key to success. Remember that we are striving for integration, where each part of our body works harmoniously with the others.

So, let's dive into the transformative power of breath and movement, unlocking the potential of our mid-back and revitalizing our entire body.

Join us for classes this week and let's cultivate strength, mobility, and balance – essential elements for a healthier and more vibrant life. Get ready to embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment, as we unlock the hidden potential of our spines and embrace a more aligned and invigorated version of ourselves. Let's begin this transformative journey today!

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"I joined the studio as a client in 2009 and did the Healthy Back class. At that time I was overweight and struggling daily with severe neck and back pain. After one week of Studio One Pilates I was hooked! The instructors at Studio One taught me how to support my upper body without using my neck or shoulders. I no longer suffer from chronic pain. Plus, I lost over forty pounds!"

- Jessica Strolle

Studio One VASIE Pilates Client 

Having good spinal stability, mobility, and flexibility is essential aspects of maintaining overall health and well-being as we age.

You've probably already discovered that VASIE Pilates (aka. Rolfilates) workouts include:

  • Focused toning
  • Core strengthening
  • Joint stability 

but did you know your VASIE Pilates workout sessions also go deeper into your nervous system?  Often overlooked in traditional fitness VASIE can: 

  • Calm your mind
  • Improve circulation 
  • Improve your coordination
  • De-age your spine. 

The spine plays a central role in supporting the body, protecting the spinal cord, and facilitating movement. Discover the connection between your breath, core stability, and new movement/range of motion in your spine/mid-back.  

  • Prevention of injuries: A strong and flexible spine reduces the risk of injuries, such as strains, sprains, and fractures, which can be more common as we age due to changes in bone density and muscle mass.
  • Maintaining independence: A healthy spine enables us to perform daily activities with ease and confidence. Good spinal mobility ensures that we can continue to engage in essential tasks, such as bending, lifting, and reaching, without limitations.
  • Posture and balance: A well-aligned spine contributes to better posture and balance. As we age, balance issues become more prevalent, and a stable spine helps prevent falls and related injuries.
  • Pain management: Chronic back pain is a common problem among older adults. By maintaining spinal flexibility and mobility, we can alleviate or prevent discomfort, allowing us to remain active and enjoy a better quality of life.
  • Nervous system health: The spine protects the spinal cord, which is a crucial part of the central nervous system. A healthy spine ensures the proper functioning of nerve signals and communication between the brain and the rest of the body.Joint health: Proper spinal mobility helps to distribute forces evenly across the joints, reducing wear and tear on the surrounding structures. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with conditions like arthritis.
  • Enhanced range of motion: Flexibility in the spine allows for a broader range of motion in the upper body, which is vital for activities such as turning, twisting, and reaching.
  • Improved circulation: Maintaining good spinal alignment can help avoid compression of blood vessels that run alongside the spine, ensuring adequate blood flow to various parts of the body.
  • Psychological well-being: Chronic pain and limited mobility can have a significant impact on mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, and depression. A healthy spine can contribute to a more positive outlook on life.

To maintain good spinal stability, mobility, and flexibility as we age, it's crucial to adopt a holistic approach to overall health. Regular exercise, especially activities that promote core strength and flexibility, can help support the spine. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet, managing weight, and avoiding smoking can contribute to better spinal health. Moreover, incorporating Pilates can improve spinal flexibility and posture, while also reducing stress levels. Consulting with healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or chiropractors, can provide personalized guidance on maintaining spinal health and preventing age-related issues.

Taking care of our spine through stability, mobility, and flexibility exercises is a proactive approach to ensure a higher quality of life as we age. By investing in our spinal health, we can maintain independence, prevent injuries, and continue to lead an active and fulfilling life in our later years.

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