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Focus of The Week

Integration Series



The Integration Series is a focus of the week for 3 weeks for each section of the body.  In 12 weeks you will tone & strengthen through your whole system - muscle by muscle, joint by joint, from the feet up & the core out.




Upgrade your gait, strength, stability and stamina for life.  This takes time, commitment and focus...but it's  worth it! Imagine yourself walking, hiking, gardening and doing all the things you love all the way into your 80's and beyond.  We've created The Series just for this.  A segmented, attainable 12 week training cycle that starts at the feet and ends with the neck and shoulders. Join us in any class at studio one and start transforming

  • New Tone & Strength Focused Workouts

  • Weekly Progressive Challenges

  • Deep Learning and Transformation

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The Series Schedule 

Strong, Fatigue Free Feet & Stable Knees. Feet are key to healthy, happy walking, hiking & more. read more...
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Guts, Butts & Backs! Focus on Low Back, Low Abs, Inner thighs & Hips. read more...
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Strong Shoulders & a Long Neck. Focus on Strength in the Shoulder Girdle + Mobility and Stability of the Neck. read more...
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Part 4: Strong, Flexible Spine. The final 3-week part of the series will take your posture to the next level.
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Strong Glutes, Inner Thighs, & Low Abs

 Spinal stability
Having a stable low back, or a strong and supported lumbar region, offers several benefits for your overall physical health and well-being. Here are some of the key advantages of having a stable low back
  1. Reduced risk of low back pain: A stable low back helps support the spine and surrounding structures, reducing the risk of low back pain. It can alleviate strain on the spinal discs, ligaments, and muscles, decreasing the likelihood of injuries and chronic pain in the lower back.
  2. Improved posture: A stable low back contributes to better posture by maintaining the natural curves of the spine. It helps prevent excessive rounding (kyphosis) or exaggerated arching (lordosis) of the lower back, promoting proper alignment and reducing postural imbalances.
  3. Enhanced functional movement: A stable low back is crucial for performing various functional movements, such as lifting, bending, twisting, and reaching. It provides a solid base of support and allows for efficient transfer of force between the upper and lower body, enhancing overall movement quality and reducing the risk of injury.
  4. Increased strength and power: A stable low back is essential for generating power and strength in movements involving the hips, such as squats, deadlifts, and Olympic lifts. By stabilizing the lumbar region, you can maximize force production, improve athletic performance, and lift heavier weights with better technique.
  5. Improved athletic performance: A stable low back is a key component of core stability, which is vital for athletic activities. It helps transfer forces between the upper and lower body, providing a strong foundation for explosive movements, agility, and dynamic balance. Developing a stable low back can enhance overall athletic performance and reduce the risk of sports-related injuries.
  6. Better spinal health and longevity: A stable low back helps maintain the integrity of the spinal column. By supporting the spine and distributing loads effectively, it reduces the wear and tear on the vertebral discs, joints, and surrounding tissues. This can contribute to better spinal health and potentially reduce the risk of degenerative conditions, such as disc herniation and spinal stenosis, in the long run.
  7.  Improved quality of life: A stable low back enables you to engage in daily activities, such as walking, sitting, and standing, with greater ease and comfort. It reduces discomfort and pain, allowing you to enjoy an active lifestyle and perform everyday tasks more efficiently.
    To promote a stable low back, it's important to engage in exercises that strengthen the core muscles, including the deep stabilizers such as the transverse abdominis and multifidus. 
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 Low abs
Having strong lower abs (lower abdominal muscles) offers several benefits for your core strength and overall physical fitness. Here are some of the key advantages of developing stronger low abs:
  1. Core stability: The lower abs are an essential component of your core muscles, along with the upper abs, obliques, and back muscles. Strong lower abs contribute to overall core stability, which is crucial for maintaining proper posture, preventing lower back pain, and improving balance and coordination.
  2. Improved aesthetics: Developing strong lower abs can help define and tone the lower abdominal region, giving it a flatter and more sculpted appearance. This can enhance your overall physique and boost confidence in your abdominal area.
  3. Enhanced functional movement: Strong lower abs play a significant role in various functional movements, such as bending, twisting, lifting, and rotating the torso. By strengthening these muscles, you improve your ability to perform these movements efficiently and with reduced risk of injury.
  4. Better sports performance: Strong lower abs are vital for generating power and stability in many athletic activities. Whether it's sprinting, jumping, throwing, or kicking, a strong core, including the lower abs, helps transfer force between the upper and lower body, leading to improved sports performance.
  5. Injury prevention: Weak lower abs can contribute to imbalances in the core musculature, leading to increased strain on other structures, such as the lower back. Strengthening the lower abs can help alleviate this strain, reduce the risk of lower back pain, and prevent injuries associated with poor core stability.
  6. Improved posture and spinal alignment: The lower abs play a role in stabilizing the pelvis and supporting the lower spine. Strong lower abs can help maintain proper posture by keeping the pelvis in a neutral position and reducing excessive curvature in the lower back.
  7. Better breathing and digestion: The lower abs are involved in diaphragmatic breathing, which promotes deep and efficient breathing. Additionally, strong lower abs can support the organs in the abdominal cavity, aiding digestion and reducing the risk of digestive issues. 
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Strong Glutes

Having strong glutes (the muscles in your buttocks) offers several benefits for your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key advantages of developing stronger glutes:
  1. Improved posture: Strong glute muscles help support proper posture by stabilizing the pelvis and aligning the spine. This can alleviate lower back pain and reduce the risk of postural imbalances.
    2. Enhanced athletic performance: The glutes play a crucial role in generating power, stability, and explosiveness in various athletic movements. Strong glutes contribute to better performance in activities such as running, jumping, squatting, and lifting weights.
    3. Increased lower body strength: Strong glutes are essential for lower body strength and stability. They are involved in many lower body movements, including walking, climbing stairs, and sitting down or standing up. Developing stronger glutes can enhance your ability to perform these activities with greater ease and efficiency.
    4. Injury prevention: Weak glutes can contribute to various lower body injuries, including knee pain, hamstring strains, and lower back issues. Strengthening your glutes can help reduce the risk of these injuries by providing better support and stability to the surrounding muscles and joints.
    5. Enhanced aesthetics: Strong and well-toned glutes can improve the appearance of your buttocks, giving them a firmer and more sculpted look. This can boost your confidence and body image.
    6. Improved functional movement: Strong glutes contribute to better functional movement patterns in daily activities. Whether it's bending over to pick up something heavy, getting in and out of a car, or simply maintaining balance, strong glutes help facilitate efficient and safe movement.
    7. Increased calorie burn: The glutes are one of the largest muscle groups in the body. By strengthening them, you increase your muscle mass, which can lead to a higher metabolic rate and increased calorie burn, both during exercise and at rest.
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"I joined the studio as a client in 2009 and did the Healthy Back class. At that time I was overweight and struggling daily with severe neck and back pain. After one week of Studio One Pilates I was hooked! The instructors at Studio One taught me how to support my upper body without using my neck or shoulders. I no longer suffer from chronic pain. Plus, I lost over forty pounds!"

- Jessica Strolle

Studio One VASIE Pilates Client 

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