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Focus of The Week

Integration Series


 The Integration Series is a focus of the week for 3 weeks for each section of the body.  In 12 weeks you will tone & strengthen through your whole system - muscle by muscle, joint by joint, from the feet up & the core out.
Upgrade your gait, strength, stability and stamina for life.  This takes time, commitment and focus...but it's  worth it! Imagine yourself walking, hiking, gardening and doing all the things you love all the way into your 80's and beyond.  We've created The Series just for this.  A segmented, attainable 12 week training cycle that starts at the feet and ends with the neck and shoulders. Join us in any class at studio one and start transforming
  • New Tone & Strength Focused Workouts
  • Weekly Progressive Challenges
  • Deep Learning and Transformation
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The Series Schedule 


Part 1: Strong, Fatigue Free Feet & Stable Knees. Feet are key to healthy, happy walking, hiking & more. 
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Part 2: Guts, Butts & Backs! Focus on Low Back, Low Abs, Inner thighs & Hips. 
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Part 3: Strong Shoulders & a Long Neck. Focus on Strength in the Shoulder Girdle + Mobility and Stability of the Neck. 
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Part 4: Strong, Flexible Spine. The final 3-week part of the series will take your posture to the next level.
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Unlocking Strength and Mobility: Shoulder and Neck Exercises for Active Aging

As we age, maintaining strength, flexibility, and mobility in our shoulders and neck becomes increasingly important. At Studio One, we understand the unique needs of our demographic, and we are dedicated to empowering you to age actively and gracefully. In this educational resource, we'll explore the significance of working on your rotator cuff, shoulder muscles, and neck muscles, and how our specialized exercises can benefit you on your fitness journey.

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The Vital Role of the Rotator Cuff

VASIE Pilates prioritizes your shoulder health and mobility as integral components of active aging. In this educational resource, we'll delve into the crucial role of the rotator cuff, address common age-related shoulder issues, and explore targeted exercises designed to strengthen the rotator cuff and prevent injuries.

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, working together to provide stability and facilitate movement. These muscles play a crucial role in controlling and stabilizing the shoulder during various activities, ranging from simple everyday tasks to more complex athletic movements.

Here are the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff:

  1. Supraspinatus: This muscle is located on the top of the shoulder blade (scapula). It runs under the acromion, which is a bony prominence on the shoulder blade. The supraspinatus helps in initiating and assisting with shoulder abduction (lifting the arm to the side) and plays a vital role in overhead movements.

  2. Infraspinatus: Positioned on the back of the shoulder blade, the infraspinatus muscle aids in shoulder external rotation (rotating the arm away from the body) and shoulder stabilization. It helps to keep the humeral head (upper arm bone) centered within the shoulder joint.

  3. Teres Minor: Located below the infraspinatus, the teres minor muscle assists in shoulder external rotation and shoulder stabilization. It works in conjunction with the infraspinatus to maintain proper alignment and movement of the shoulder joint.

  4. Subscapularis: Situated on the front of the shoulder blade, the subscapularis muscle facilitates internal rotation (rotating the arm inward) of the shoulder joint. It also provides stability to the front of the shoulder and helps to prevent dislocation.

Together, these four muscles of the rotator cuff work in harmony to control the movement of the shoulder joint, stabilize the shoulder during dynamic activities, and maintain proper alignment between the upper arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder blade (scapula).

It's important to note that the tendons of these rotator cuff muscles form a cuff-like structure that surrounds the head of the humerus and helps hold it securely within the shoulder socket. This cuff provides stability to the shoulder joint and plays a crucial role in preventing injuries and supporting optimal shoulder function.

Understanding the anatomy of the rotator cuff is essential for comprehending the significance of strengthening and maintaining these muscles, as they are prone to injury, particularly with age or repetitive overhead movements. By focusing on targeted exercises that engage the rotator cuff muscles, you can enhance shoulder stability, prevent injuries, and promote overall shoulder health and mobility.

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Several reasons why strong shoulders contribute to your overall health:

  1. Functional Mobility: Strong shoulders provide you with the ability to perform daily activities with ease. From reaching for objects on high shelves to lifting and carrying items, having adequate shoulder strength and mobility is crucial for maintaining independence and functionality in your daily life.

  2. Posture and Alignment: Strong shoulders help promote good posture and proper alignment of the spine. When the muscles around the shoulders are strong and balanced, they support the natural curves of the spine, reducing the risk of postural imbalances and associated discomfort or pain.

  3. Injury Prevention: Well-developed shoulder muscles and a stable rotator cuff can help prevent injuries during physical activities and sports. Strong shoulders provide better support and control during movements, reducing the risk of strains, sprains, dislocations, and other shoulder-related injuries.

  4. Enhanced Performance: Whether you participate in sports, exercise regularly, or simply enjoy an active lifestyle, strong shoulders can enhance your performance. The shoulders play a significant role in various upper body movements, such as pushing, pulling, lifting, and throwing. Having strength and stability in the shoulder muscles can improve your athletic performance and optimize your overall physical abilities.

  5. Improved Upper Body Strength: Strong shoulders are key to developing overall upper body strength. The shoulder muscles, including the deltoids, trapezius, and rotator cuff, work together with the muscles of the chest, back, and arms to perform many upper body exercises. By strengthening your shoulders, you can improve your overall upper body strength and muscular balance.

  6. Long-Term Joint Health: Maintaining strong shoulders can contribute to long-term joint health. Strengthening the muscles around the shoulder joint helps provide stability and support, reducing the risk of joint degeneration, wear and tear, and conditions like osteoarthritis.

  7. Quality of Life: Strong shoulders can significantly impact your quality of life. They allow you to engage in various physical activities, maintain independence, and enjoy an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Having strong and healthy shoulders can also boost your self-confidence and improve your overall well-being.

Incorporating exercises that target the shoulders into your fitness routine can help you build strength, improve mobility, and reap the many benefits associated with strong shoulders. However, it is important to ensure proper form and technique during exercises to avoid injury and maximize the benefits. If you have any existing shoulder issues or concerns, consulting with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness trainer can provide personalized guidance and recommendations.

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"I joined the studio as a client in 2009 and did the Healthy Back class. At that time I was overweight and struggling daily with severe neck and back pain. After one week of Studio One Pilates I was hooked! The instructors at Studio One taught me how to support my upper body without using my neck or shoulders. I no longer suffer from chronic pain. Plus, I lost over forty pounds!"

- Jessica Strolle

Studio One VASIE Pilates Client 

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