🥳Welcome Back Bundle!
New or Coming Back to Studio One?
This is the BEST Deal ever. $105/month
offer ends 1.31.2024
Let's Do It! 🎉

Benefits, Classes per month, & more.
- 12 classes per month
- Priority booking on the 15th of every month.
- Generous discounts on 5 week intensives
- Priority booking - 30 classes per week to choose from
- Can be placed on hold for up to two months
- Classes are automatically added to your account on the 15th of every month.
- Cancel anytime after 6 months
1st 3 months at $105. following 3 months at $195
Automatically continues at $195 until canceled
Which Classes Can I go to? view descriptions below.
- Deep Core Toning Mat & Reformer
- Ballet Barre
- Strength & Flexibility Mat & Reformer
- Pilates for Seniors
- Pilates Chair
- Cardio Tramp & Arms
Be one of the lucky 5 to get this membership today!
Let The Fun Begin 🥳
Mat, Barre & Pilates for Seniors.
Reformer. For Flexibility, Tone & Strength.
Chair. For Stability, Control & Challenge.
Why People Love the Membership.

VASIE Pilates is based on the latest research on spinal stabilization, respiration, pelvic floor health, and self-efficacy. If that wasn't enough, over 10,000+ clients over the last 20 years have helped us shape the workouts, cues, and exercises to achieve the goals of everybody.

23,000 inches lost and counting...
VASIE Pilates is designed to give you fast, long-lasting results. We call this "sticky exercise." Sticky exercises will change how you stand, walk, breathe and maintain tone around your middle. The changes you gain go beyond losing or gaining weight. You will learn to tap into your nervous system and hack your abs, glutes, feet, shoulders & neck.

Rest assured, your joints, muscles, and tendons are safe. Thanks to our amazing Anchorage health care community, you will do exercises that are good for your joints, bones, and muscles and can be practiced into your 90s
Karen Padgett
Studio One member since 2011
For my 50th birthday, my sister, who lives in Chicago, thought it would be a really good idea to get me out of my comfort zone. She signed herself & me up for a circus performing class at a place called Aloft Loft. Yes, they have placed like that in the big city! We decided to take a trapeze class. We could not IMAGINE that we'd be able to do a single thing because (1) we have never considered ourselves coordinated and (2) we're both terrified of heights. It turns out we were only about 4 feet off the ground, and we weren't swinging, so acrophobia wasn't much of an issue. The first time I kicked my feet up onto the bar, hanging by my arms, grabbed the support ropes, and hooked my knees around the bar, I just POPPED right up to a sitting position. I was amazed!! Something felt strangely familiar. Then I realized--I was using my Pilates muscles!!! My core muscles, shoulders & feet got quite the workout during our lesson. My proudest moment of the evening was when the teacher said, "You've tapped into something awesome," just as I dismounted at the end of our lesson. She may have just said that to be nice, but it made my day. So thank you, Studio One, for helping me discover my inner circus performer!! So…any idea where I might find a trapeze in Anchorage to practice my newfound skills!!!

Jessica S
I joined the studio as a client in 2009 and did the Healthy Back class. At that time I was overweight and struggling daily with severe neck and back pain. After one week of Studio One Pilates I was hooked! The instructors at Studio One taught me how to support my upper body without using my neck or shoulders. I no longer suffer from chronic pain. Plus, I lost over forty pounds!